Give Back
Giving Back is a huge part BarrePop! So, how do we do it?👇🏾
In Kind Food Donations
Bring non-perishable food with you to IRL pop-ups and we'll donate to a local food pantry!
FREE Pop-ups for mamas who've miscarried
I am a mama of 2 angels. If you are a mama of an angel(s) through miscarriage and are currently struggling, you can take BarrePop! for FREE 👇🏾
- IRL BARREPOP!| 2 Free Pop-Ups
- VIRTUAL STUDIO | Free unlimited access to virtual studio for 1 month.
Email for details.
Gift | Mamas of Angels
Wanna help mamas who've miscarried? Your gift will go towards mailing letters of encouragement and hope to mamas of angels. Visit to learn how.